Department of Anesthesia, College of Medical and Health Technique, Sawa University, AL-Muthanna, Iraq
Research Article
The comparison of the effects of radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy in expectant pregnant women with non-small cell lung cancer
Author(s): Wisam Hashim Baqer, Ali A. Obais, Entsar Hadi Jawad and Saif M. Hassan*
Introduction: While Radiation Therapy (RT) uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells, concurrent Chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) is the application of chemotherapy with radiation treatment. Late toxicities are long-term side effects perhaps occurring months or even years after therapy ends.
Method: Linked to CCRT and RT alone, a retrospective analysis aimed to evaluate the risk of acute and late toxicities in women With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Among the immediate toxicity were leukopenia, hepatic and renal failure, nausea and vomiting, and neutropenia.
Results: Acute Toxicity; the CCRT group had much more occurrences of neutropenia than the RT group; rates of nausea and vomiting were also much higher in the CCRT group. Compared to acute CCRT and acute RT toxicities, both late CCRT and late RT to.. Read More»