Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Intravenous carbetocin vs uterine tourniquet to reduce blood loss in open myomectomy operation: A randomized clinical trial
Author(s): Ahmed Mohamed Bahaa El-Din and Rasha Mahmoud Medhat Abdul Hadi
Background: Carbetocin works as an oxytocic, antihemorrhagic and uterotonic drug in the peripheral nervous system. Carbetocin functions as an agonist at peripheral oxytocin receptors, particularly in the myometrium commonly known as a fibroid.
Aim of the Work: To compare the efficacy of intravenous 100 microgram carbetocin vs. uterine tourniquet to reduce intraoperative blood loss in open myomectomy.
Patients and Methods: This current study was a randomized controlled trial, carried out on 110 women who underwent myomectomy at Ain Shams University Maternity hospital. Group A included 55 of the patients who received 100 microgram of carbetocin IV intraoperative and Group B included 55 patients with uterine artery tourniquet was done.
Results: Reduction in Hemoglobin was signifi.. Read More»