Author(s): Dariusz Zdun (ABCDEF), Ewa Telka (BCDE), Małgorzata Cieślak-Steć (BDE), Zbigniew Kojs (G), Mariusz Wójtowicz (G), Jerzy Sikora (AG)
The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of electroresection and inguinal lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of early stages of vulvar carcinoma (FIGO IB–II). From May 2016 to February 2017, vulvar electroresection with inguinal lymphadenectomy was performed in 16 patients aged 47–81 in the Center of Woman’s and Child’s Health in Zabrze, Poland. There were no intraoperative complications. In 14 cases, the postoperative period raised no concerns. The patients were discharged on the 7th or 8th day after the operation. Massive lymph accumulation in the inguinal region was noted in 2 patients, but it subsided up to 12 days after surgery. In one case, the right medial margin was positive. A radical procedure was therefore applied. Two patients were ordered postoperative radiotherapy due to narrow surgical tissue margins. One patient needed treatment for lymph node metastases found in a postoperative examination. Electroresection with inguinal lymphadenectomy is an effective treatment method in vulvar carcinoma. No tension of sutured skin results in better wound healing. Hospital stay is reduced to 7–8 days, and treatment costs are lower. The number of needed analgesics is significantly lower as well. After 10 weeks, the wound is healed completely, allowing a return to normal life. There is no feeling of mutilation. The results presented here are preliminary due to a small group of operated women and short postoperative follow-up.