Author(s): Urszula Sioma-Markowska, Malgorzata Kregiel, Barbara Broers, Anna Brzek, Karolina Guspiel, Bogumila Kielbratowska
Admission. The correct position of the body in natural childbirth affects its course. Intra-labor care should be in line with the guidelines of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 2018 on the standard of perinatal care. Objective of the work. Assessment of the degree of implementation of selected guidelines of the standard, which is the Regulation of the Minister of Health in the field of intrapartum care, with particular emphasis on the use of vertical positions in physiological delivery. Material and methods. The research was carried out in a group of 125 women giving birth on the basis of the author's questionnaire. The obtained results were analyzed statistically and descriptively using the IBM SPSS program. The correlation assessment took into account the values ??of the test statistic, the number of degrees of freedom (s), and the table value. In the case of the Chi-square test and the dependence of both features, the value of the C-Pearson correlation coefficient. The level of statistical significance was set at p <0.05. Results. A small percentage of midwives working in delivery rooms discuss the birth plan together with the woman in labor. The most convenient position in labor, in the opinion of women giving birth, is the lying position. With increasing age, the percentage of women who gave birth in the classical position increased. A small percentage of those in labor were able to choose the vertical position in childbirth. Conclusions. Young women below 22 years of age significantly more often make their own decisions about the choice of the vertical birthing position. Education is not a significant factor influencing the choice of a vertical position in childbirth. The degree of implementation by midwives of the guidelines of the perinatal standard in the scope of proposing vertical positions in physiological labor is unsatisfactory, while in the implementation of other guidelines the standard is high.