Author(s): Elżbieta Dudek, Zygmunt Mackiewicz, Janusz Kubicki, Wojciech Guzikowski, Zbigniew Ziembik
Introduction. Vascular changes in the placenta are characteristic for fetal hypotrophy. Endothe- lial cells are an inherent structural element of all vascular systems. Hence, proper structure and activity of endothelium is responsible for blood vessel functionality. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to analyze endothelium ultrastructure as well as to describe determinants of endothelium activity in placentas from both normal and compli- cated with hypotrophy pregnancies. Materials and methods. The study involved 25 placentas coming from normal (n=14) and hypotrophic (n=11) pregnancies. The analysis was performed using electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry methods. Results. In placentas obtained from pregnancies complicated with fetal hypotrophy significant changes of villi endothelium were found. The changes involved significant dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and increased mitochondrial diameter, while in basement membrane degeneration of lamina lucida and multilayered lamina densa were found. In pathologic pla- centas blood clots and blood extravasations were significantly more frequent in comparison to normal placentas. Moreover, in placental vessels endothelium from fetal hypotrophy significantly increased expression of CD34 antigen was detected.