Bacterial vaginosis is either a symptomatic or asymptomatic vaginal infection caused byanaerobic bacteria. The main factor behind vaginal colonisation with anaerobic bacteria is theclose anatomical proximity of the vagina to the anus and the depletion of beneficial lactic acidbacteria. Low vitamin D levels may contribute to the increased risk of bacterial vaginosis inpregnant women. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women and infants is very common inPoland due to low sun exposure in this geographic region (49-55 N), and insufficient intakeof vitamin D from food during pregnancy.Calcitriol is believed to have an indirect effect on antibacterial activity. Vitamin D supple-mentation in patients was demonstrated to effectively increase calcitriol production. Defen-sins and cathelicidins are the two major families of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), also knownas the natural antibiotics. If there is a like between vitamin D deficiency, reduced levels of antimicrobial peptides, andthe increased incidence of gynaecological infections, which involves higher risk of pre-termbirth, high-risk women may be perhaps given inexpensive and easily accessible food supple-mentation, especially given the fact that the currently available treatment options for BV duringpregnancy are still limited.