Introduction. Preterm deliveries in Poland are approximately 7,4-8,2% of the total number ofdeliveries. One of the factor leading to the occurrence of preterm labor is preterm prematurerupture of membranes (pPROM). Abnormal BMI (body mass index) is associated with 2 foldincrease in the occurrence of premature rupture of the membranes. This is due to the fact thatpregnancy promotes lipid peroxidation process by lipid disturbances that occur during itsduration.The Aim. The aim of the study was analysis of the impact of BMI and lipid profile to the levelof selected biochemical markers of oxidative stress and the risk of premature rupture ofmembranes in pregnancy complicated by PROM.Materials and methods. The study included 40. pregnant women admitted with pPROM withexcluded infectious etiology of PROM and 40. women with PROM who confirmed infectiousbackground. The control group consisted of 40. pregnant women who are in the first stageof labor with amniotic fluid leakage and delivering at term. We analyzed BMI and the levelsof total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and biochemichal parameters of oxidative stress:superoxide dismutase, myeloperoxidase, malonic aldehyde, glutathione reductase and gluta-thione peroxidase.Results. Women with a group of non-infectious etiology of PROM have the highest BMIcompared to pregnant women with other groups, the values of the individual parameters ofthe lipid profile were also the highest in this group. It was observed a correlation between BMI,hyperlipidemia, and oxidative stress parameters. Abnormal BMI and lipid disorders in the studygroup increased the risk of pPROM.Conclusion. There is a positive relationship between hyperlipidemia, increasing BMI and theintensity of oxidative stress and risk of PROM.