Introduction. In the group of women with a wider period of menopause often appear bother-some symptoms directly resulting from estrogen deficiency. One of the most common and themost troublesome symptoms are a consequence of the symptoms of urogenital atrophy.Aim of the study.The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of vaginal non-hormonaltherapy on sexual life and vulvovaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. Material andmethods.The prospective study involved a population of 40 postmenopausal women aged 55-65 years. Intravaginal therapy containing hyaluronic acid, glycogen and lactic acid was usedaccording to the recommended scheme. Two follow-up visits were planned in 7 days and2 months after the therapy. During every visit a complete gynecological examination was per-formed and the patients completed the study questionnaire consisting of a general part (socio-demographic data, medical and gynecological history), 5-point analogue self-evaluation scaleof vulvovaginal atrophy symptoms and Female Sexual Function Index to asses sexual life (FSFI).Results. The mean age of the study population was 57.88±2.42 years. Statistically significantimprovement of vaginal pH and the reduction of urogenital atrophy were found both in short-term (pH and atrophy: p=0.000006 and p=0.00002, respectively) and long-term follow-up (pHand atrophy: p=0.0000001 and p=0.000001, respectively). The studied women gained a meanFSFI score - 25.41±6.75 after the therapy and 19.59±8.59 before the therapy (p=0.000006).Clinically significant sexual disorders were diagnosed in 80% of women at the baseline andin 47.5% after the treatment (p=0.003). Moreover, statistically significant improvement of sexualfunctioning in all six FSFI domains was obtained at the end of the study.Conclusions. The use of local non-hormonal therapy containing hyaluronic acid, glycogen andlactic acid reduces vulvovaginal atrophy and improves quality of sexual life in postmenopau-sal women.