Introduction. According to WHO definition proper pregnancy term is 37 to 41 full weeks.A delivery between 22. and 36. full week of pregnancy is considered a pre-term birth. Thefrequency of preterm deliveries is 5 to 7% for Europe. In Poland the percentage of pretermdeliveries is 6 to 8% and remains constant at this level.Aim of work. The evaluation of occurrence frequency of selected maternal risk factors forpreterm birth among preterm delivery patients of the II Chair and Clinic of Gynecology andObstetrics of the Medical University of Warsaw in the years 2008-2011 including the stageof pregnancy.Material and methods. The retrospective analysis of the data of 1570 preterm deliveries inthe II Chair and Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the MUW, based on the medicaldocumentation (pregnancy card, medical history, delivery register). The survey was dividedinto four groups depending on the advancement of pregnancy at the date of birth. For eachof the resulting group the analysis of frequency of occurrence of selected maternal risk factorsfor premature birth was performed.Results. 58 (3.75%) were diagnosed with neither of the analyzed factors, 248 (16.02%) withonly one risk factor, 405 (26.16%) – two, 415 (26.81) – three, and in case of 236 (15.25%)four risk factors. The most frequent risk factors was the preterm parting of amniotic fluid(concerned 49.36% of patients). 16.5% of the researched group were diagnosed with cervicalincompetence, 16.88% with pregnancy-related diabetes. The intrahepatic cholestasis of pre-gnancy also occurred more frequently (7.19%) in the research group, than the data in litera-ture would suggest. The frequency of uterine defects (2.54%) and pregnancy-induced hyper-tension (10%) corresponded to literature data. A large percentage was formed by patients withprevious miscarriages (21.72%) and preterm deliveries (7.13%).Conclusions. The analysis of the present material showed higher proportion of pregnancieswith co-existing risk factors for premature delivery. This was connected with the higherneonatology care reference of the centre that was used for research. The patients giving pre-mature birth in the Clinical Ward of the II Chair of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the MedicalUniversity of Warsaw in the years 2008-2011 amounted to 25-27.4% of total number of womendelivering there.