Author(s): Mariola Czajkowska1 (ABEF),Iwona Hanzel1 (D), Agnieszka SÅomska2 (D),Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta2 (ABE
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is defined as cyclically occur-ring somatic or psychopathological disorders associated withthe existence of the corpus luteum and influence of ovariansteroid hormone metabolites on neurotransmitter levels andactivity. Only about 5% of women do not experience anyailments in the last week before menstruation. The remainingwomen present with various psychological, physical andemotional symptoms. PMS therapy should offer completetreatment, including complementary therapy. It must beunderlined, however, that the efficacy of such managementis not always supported by scientific evidence.The paper presents an analysis of PMS diagnostic criteria basedon available literature. Moreover, the ACOG criteria and ava-ilable treatment methods are shown.