gynecology and obstetrics medical project, gynecology journal, obstetrics, gynecologic oncology, reproductive medicine, gynecological endoscopy, ultrasonography, gynecology articles

Ginekologia i Poloznictwo
ISSN 1896-3315 e-ISSN 1898-0759

Constatnt electronic fetal heart monitoring versusrecommendations of the World Health Organisation



Introduction. Progress which took place in obstetrics in scope of the technology causedimplementing many new methods of diagnostics which are supposed to provide maximum safetyfor mother and child in the perinatal period. The aim of cardiocotography is reducing thefrequency of damage to the central nervous system of the foetus. However, this procedurebecame a routine quickly, in spite of the lack of improvement in the neurological conditionof newborn babies. It has been stated that constant intranatal cardiocotographic monitoringdoesn’t bring better perinatal results than periodic sounding of the fetal heart activity.Aim. Getting the doctors’ opinion on the procedure of constant electronic fetal heart moni-toring during the natural childbirth.Material and methods. A survey was held among obstetricians (n=160) from the Silesianvoivodeship and maternity ward patients (n=200). A comparative analysis of doctors’ opinionand data from patients considering the frequency of constant electronic fetal heart monitoringduring natural childbirth has been made. The research material was analyzed according to thedoctors’ work experience and place of work. The findings were objected to statistical analysis.Student’s t-test and chi-square test with Yates’ amendment were used. The materiality levelp<0,05 was assumed. Main outcome measures: Providing data concerning implementation ofthe WHO recommendation on constant electronic fetal heart monitoring.Results. Most of the doctors (78,8%) share the opinion that electronic fetal heart monitoringduring natural childbirth should be performed periodically, while 21,2% think it should beperformed constantly. According to patients, in 65,5% cases electronic fetal heart monitoringduring labor was performed periodically, and in 34,5% cases in a constant way. In the asses-sment of the procedure realization, a statistically important difference was noted. Obstetriciansexpress the opinion that electronic fetal heart monitoring should be performed constantly muchless frequently than it is actually performed.Conclusions. Electronic fetal heart monitoring during natural childbirth is still a frequentlyapplied method. It is necessary to implement this procedure only in cases which are medicallyjustified.