Introduction. Prenatal diagnostic procedures may involve as a consequence difficult decisionsconcerning further medical management. One of medical procedures introduced in case of de-tecting a severe incurable congenital defect of the fetus is termination of the pregnancy. Aim of the study. A demographic and clinical characteristic of patients who made the decisionto terminate the pregnancy due to the diagnosis of a severe intractable fetal anomaly.Material and methods. The study group included 70 patients of the Obstetrical Clinic of theMedical University in Gdañsk (Poland). The criteria of inclusion into the study: a diagnoseddefect of the fetus, being informed of the possibility of abortion, the decision to terminate thepregnancy. The data were subjected to a statistical analysis.Results. The average age of the women who decided to terminate the pregnancy after a pre-natal diagnosis of a fetal defect was 30.2. Most of them were urban residents, 54% of themhad university education. Nearly a half of the women described their family’s material statusas being above the average. The average time point of the procedure was 19+6 gestational week.The weight of the fetus was determined between gestational weeks 8 and 26, on the averagein 16+9 week. The most frequently diagnosed malformations were: hydramnion - 19 (27%)cases and Down syndrome - 15 (21%) cases.Conclusions. Team work is needed to improve the quality of choices made by pregnant women.They should have an opportunity to consult not only a gynaecologist-obstetrician, but also ageneticist, pediatrician, pediatric surgeon, midwife, psychologist and a social worker in orderto obtain information on the support offered to a family to which a child with a congenitaldefect is born.